Index > Volume 15, Number 01, 2009

Article Author
A Jabber Based Framework for Building Communication Capable Java Mobile Applications Mohy Mahmoud, Sherif G. Aly, Ahmed Sabry, Mostafa Hamza
Defining and Formally Specifying the Behavior of Cooperative Distributed Systems Toufik Taibi
A Three-Layered Framework for Supporting the Interactions in a Social Activity Hsien-Chou Liao and Ke-Chun Liao
On Measuring and Modeling of Internet Macroscopic Topology Ye XU and Hai ZHAO
Solution of the Decision Making Problems Using Fuzzy Soft Relations Arindam Chaudhuri,Kajal De and Dipak Chatterjee
Weblog Clustering in Multilinear Algebra Perspective Andri Mirzal